Harris County Commissioners Court Agenda Harris County Commissioners Court Agenda
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You will need to create an account and log in to allow you to access a Harris County Commissioners Court meeting agenda with supporting documentation. To see back-up material for a specific agenda item simply click on the pdf icon next to that item. In some cases, back-up material can and will be updated and can change up until the time of the Commissioners Court meeting. The material viewable with this agenda might not reflect those changes.

If you are shown no documentation for a specific item or a page appears telling you there is no supporting documentation then it has been determined this material is exempt from public release prior to the Commissioners Court meeting through an exception granted by the Texas Public Information Act or other state laws. Should you have questions about exemption determinations, you may contact the Harris County Attorney’s Office at (713) 274-5101. If you have questions about agenda materials, email CommissionersCourt@hctx.net.

After each Commissioners Court meeting, all agenda materials are accessible at the Harris County Clerk’s Office. The County Clerk’s website is: www.cclerk.hctx.net.